It Never Fails!

Something “ALWAYS” comes up to slow progress…

Kristen Abram
3 min readAug 9, 2023

When I was a kid, my grandmother had this saying that went “every time you get your finances right, the car will break.” Essentially meaning that whenever you are on the right path, a challenge will arise. She couldn’t have been more right.

Do you remember where in this article I referenced something similar? It was in relation to buying land, but every time we got some savings built up, something would happen and we would have to use it.

I know all the people out there who believe in the law of attraction will say that we manifested those circumstances ourselves, and maybe we did. Some people might say it’s karma for something. But, who can say for certain, except the powers that be?

But, it happened again…

As I also mentioned in this article, we recently purchased a parcel of land and are looking very forward to getting out there, doing some camping and planning out our house and farm/sanctuary build. We also purchased a trailer and a used truck.

So here we are, getting ready to go pick up our trailer and we get there and the truck has a four pin connection but the trailer has seven. Ok… so we need to leave and go get the right part so we can connect the trailer to the truck and have brake lights.



Kristen Abram

Loving mom and wife, living the homestead dream. Urban homesteading, preparing to head north and build a farm from scratch.